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Monday, March 22, 2010

How to write a Love letter??

If your problem is not able to express your love by mouth  Ihave several option, writing love letter is call in this day as very traditional way, but still beloved, girl/boy do fall in love by impressive writing about love.. sajhaphulbari.blogspot.com wanna share you how to write a love letter..
Before proceed for letter I would like to request you to read below carefully
Ten Best Love Letter Ideas

Given below are the top 10 ideas for writing a love letter
One of the most common and the often-used ideas is to write a love letter telling your beloved what you feel for him/her and hand deliver it. Nothing is more beautiful than true feelings. That is why this idea still retains a place amongst the ten best love letter ideas.

Take out an old cassette and pull out the magnetic tape inside it. Now, write your feelings on the entire tape with a golden or silver pen. Let it dry and then roll it inside again. Leave the end of the tape inside and attach a note saying, "Pull Me".
Take as may roses as the number of letters in your beloved's name. Now attach a slip to each of the rose. On each slip, write a sentence beginning with the different letters in the name, expressing your feelings. For Example, the name is Mary. Now on one slip, you can write M - My beloved, I Love You. On another you can write, A - All I can do now is to love you more and more. Like this, you can pick four roses and write four sentences, one with each letter of her name.
Pick out some romantic songs that both of you like. Now, memorize the lyrics and record the songs in your own voice. In the end, tell him/her how much you love him/her and what the songs mean to you.
Another popular idea for a love letter is to write a love journal. Take a diary and on each page, write what you like about your beloved or what you feel for him/her. If you can, decorate the diary with some of his/her photographs alone and some of both of you together.
Write a letter on the back of a jigsaw puzzle. Now break up the puzzle, pack it in a box and gift it to him/her. Let him/her fit the pieces together and read what you have written.
Take a bed sheet and write your letter on it. It will remind him/her of you at the time of going to sleep as well as the moment he/she gets up in the morning.
If you have the keys to his/her house, sneak in and write the love letter with lipstick on his/her mirror.
The all time favorite method is to write a love letter, tie it with a red ribbon and keep it inside a wine or champagne bottle.
You can make you love letter look like it has been written in the past. After writing on a piece of paper, burn its edges slightly. Then, in place of date write "the time I came into this world". Also, do not forget to write in the end that I have loved you ever since love came into existence
1) Pre-written, love letters that you can use "as is" or modify to suit your own needs

2) Step-by-step rules for writing effective love letters/emails and love notes
3) Pre-written, ready-to-use love poems
4) The "elements of poetry" to make you an expert in writing love poems
5) Hundreds of rhymed couplets (Ready-to-use two verse mini-poems that you can combine to make larger poems to express many different emotions)
6) Hundreds of love sentences (perfect for creating love letters/ emails & love notes), and
7) Scores of love paragraphs - arranged by topic (life-savers when you don't have enough time to find the right expressions)
8) A 3,500 Word Rhyming Dictionary perfect for writing love poems and/or love songs
9) Thousands of "Love Terms" listed and grouped for ease of use in creating that right expression
10) Hundreds of Imagery terms (that give a poem or letter flavor and style)
11) A word list consisting of 1,700 Selected Words for letters, emails and poems so that you have the ammunition to say it right!
Pearls of Love has helped thousands of people throughout the world express their deepest feelings. Now you, too, can benefit by the timeless and practical information it contains.

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